
The brave little toaster cast
The brave little toaster cast

I'm gonna- Radio: Why, do you dare to cross foils with the greatest Saxon swordsman in the land? Haven't you the slightest idea who you're dealing with? Lampy: Precisely. Did you mind? WHOA! Not in the face there, pal! It seems that a band of renegade chimpanzees have kidnapped Pulitzer prize-winning poet Lester Charles and are demanding- Lampy: Hey, what's the big idea?! I'm attempting to get some sleep! Radio: Look buddy, I'm doing a broadcast. At the top of the news this morning, there's monkey business in Utah. That was A-Billion-And-One Strings playing one of your all-time favorite tunes.

the brave little toaster cast

Plug into the adventure! Quotes Radio: Good morning, good morning, good morning.

The brave little toaster cast